ISEMS Meetings & Expositions

Location:Nanjing, China


Location:Nanjing, China

Introduction:The State Council Information Office. P. R. C. held a press conference on renewable energy development in China on March 30, 2022. The Director of the Electric Power Department of the National Energy Administration said it was necessary to build a new power system that features clean and low carbon, safety and reliability, intelligence and flexibility, low price and efficiency. We must promote the interconnection and mutual aid of various energy and the deep integration of power, grid, load and storage via the innovation of equipment, technologies, and institutional mechanisms. To practice the strategy of "peak carbon dioxide emissions" and "carbon neutrality," we must regard energy as the main battlefield and electricity as the main force. The ninth meeting of the CPC Central Committee for Financial and Economic Affairs also proposed to build a new power system and confirmed that it was an inevitable choice to achieve the "30.60" goal, which was aimed to make new energy the main body of power supply. 2022 International Conference on Power Grid Systems and Energy Storage Technology (PGSEST 2022) will be held in Nanjing, China on July 29-31, 2022. Themed on Power Grid Systems and Energy Storage Technology, it pools together talents from around the globe and provides a platform for high-level exchange between enterprises, universities, research institutes and governments, with a vision to advance academic research, boost innovation-driven development, and achieve mutual complementarity. The conference aims to disseminate China's major innovative research results in power engineering and energy chemistry. Through the integration of technological resources, collaboration among enterprises, universities and research institutes, the conference will serve as strong support for economic growth and industrial upgrading. Leading experts in diverse research fields and industry professionals will be invited to give reports. In the sub-conferences on different subjects, themed reports, Q&A sessions, and free discussions will be arranged to enliven academic exchange; meanwhile, online activities for academic exchange will also be organized. We look forward to seeing experts, researchers and professionals engaged in different fields at the grand event. The conference will be held once a year as scheduled, inviting experts, scholars, entrepreneurs and other relevant personnel from universities and research institutions at home and abroad to attend the conference.


Last:The Third International Conference on Energy Material and Energy Technology (EMET2022)
Next:2022 International Conference on New Energy, Energy Storage and Power Engineering(NESP 2022)