
The Second World Energy Storage Conference (WESC 2022) together with the seventh UK Energy Storage Conference (UKESC 2022) successfully held

From October 12th to 14th, 2022, the 2nd World Energy Storage Conference (WESC 2022) and the 7th UK Energy Storage Conference (UKESC 2022) were successfully held both online and offline in the British Birmingham Energy Storage Center (BCES). The conference was chaired by Professor Yulong Ding, the Fellow of the British Royal Academy of Engineering and director of the Birmingham Energy Storage Center.

Professor Stephen Jarvis (Vice-Chancellor for Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham)

The opening plenary session of the conference was held on October 12th at the Bramall music building of the University of Birmingham. The opening session was chaired by Professor Stephen Jarvis, Vice-Chancellor for Engineering and Physical Sciences at the University of Birmingham. Professor Yulong Ding and Professor Martin Freer delivered opening speeches. Afterwards, Professor Nigel Brandon, Dean of Imperial College London, Fellow of the Royal Society, Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering and Foreign academicians of National Academy of Engineering America, and Professor André Thess, Director of the Institute of Engineering Thermodynamics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR), brought brilliant keynote reports to the participants. The invited reports were broadcast live as public lectures. Over 200 multidisciplinary experts from academia and industry all over the world participated this conference.


Opening plenary session of the conference

The theme of the conference is "Decarbonisation of our energy systems to achieve our global Net-Zero ambitions", which mainly discusses the research progress of energy storage technology and related fields. Over the three-day conference, researchers and practitioners from academia, industry, government agencies and non-government organizations shared their work and build collaborations, to identify possible solutions for the key technological and policy challenges associated with energy storage.

The closing ceremony of the conference took place on 14th October at 13:30 (United Kingdom Standard Time). Professor Chris Llewellyn Smith (Sir), Fellow of the Royal Society from Oxford University, brought a specially invited keynote report to the participants at the closing ceremony. Professor Yulong Ding delivered a speech at the closing meeting. He said: "It was an honor to host the second World Energy Storage Conference at the University of Birmingham. The energy crisis is a colossal challenge, one that can only be addressed through national and international collaborations, like the ones formed at this conference over the past few days.” At the end of the conference, it was announced that the third WESC will be organized by National Renewable Energy Laboratory and it will be held in the United States of America.


The president of the conference professor Yulong Ding (Fellow of the Royal Academy of Engineering)

The event was supported by, the University of Birmingham Energy Institute’s Centre for Energy Storage (BCES), UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC), the Supergen Energy Storage Network Plus Programme, European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (CO-COOL Program), The British Council UCEER programme, and International Energy Storage Alliance (INESA).

The news reprinted from: BCES innovation (Birmingham Center for Energy Storage)

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